When you are planning that ideal vacation you definitely need lots of information… One way to get this information is to check out the various sources of Barbados news. Over the last 100 years there have been a number of credible news papers on the island… but during the early days of tourism on the island getting access to current news was a challenge.
As a matter of fact the news about the island was not as available as it is today. In order to be kept up to date of current affairs on the island many folks got the various Barbados newspapers sent to them by snail mail.
However with the technological developments in this new digital era the islands news papers are available to everyone with an internet connection.
So no matter where you are located you can get Barbados nation news as it develop day or night. Actually if you are looking for Barbados news to help you better plan your island holiday.
Here are the island’s most popular Barbados news papers online…
Barbados News From The Advocate Newspaper

The Barbados Advocate is the grand old lady of print news in Barbados. This newspaper was first published in 1895 which makes it the oldest running newspaper on the island. The Advocate covers the entire spectrum of news in Barbados so there is something news worthy for everyone.
The areas that maybe of interest to you if you are planning your stay are the weather, the business section and of course the events section. To follow the global trend the Barbados Advocate is available free online… so even if you are not on the island you can still get your Barbados news anytime.
To get your Barbados news up-dates from The Barbados Advocate click here!
Barbados News From The Nation Newspaper

The Barbados Nation newspaper is published by the Nation Publishing Company Limited which was establish in 1973. Since then the The daily Nation has risen to be the dominant newspaper on the island. With figures from the Systematic Survey claiming that the Nation daily publications which comprise the Daily Nation publish on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, The Mid-Week Nation publish on Wednesday.
The Weekend Nation published on Friday, The Saturday Sun and The Sunday Sun has approximately 77% of the Barbadian market.To add to its popularity the Nation Newspaper is now available online. So, if you are not on the island and would like to find out whats happening in the local real estate market.
Check out the latest Barbados news at the Nation Newspaper here!
Barbados Today Online Newspaper

Barbados Today is the newest news source on the island, actually its not a newspaper in the traditional since. It is the island’s first digital newspaper launched in early 2010 the online publication has shown tremendous growth in readership.
This interactive Barbados news source is published mainly as a flash based ePaper but it is also published as a html version, a smart phone version, and on RSS feeds. So if you are tech savvy and would like to go beyond simply reading the newspaper to a more interactive news experience visit