About: Best Barbados Vacation Packages

My name is Hamilton. My family and I live here in Barbados, yes I am going to say it… the gem of the Caribbean Sea. We really enjoy living here, the warm sunny weather, the dazzling spectacular waters, and the miles of white sandy beaches make it our slice of paradise.

We are often told how lucky we are to live on such a beautiful island… with almost perfect weather all year round. And I must agree it’s really an idyllic paradise with something for everyone. Whether it’s tranquility or excitement you seek you’ll find it here on the island. But what does this have to do with making a website you ask? Well that’s why I made this Best-Barbados-Vacation-Packages.com

I’ve been to the places I’ve written about, eaten in the restaurants, shopped in the stores, explored all the wonderful sites on the island, and enjoyed the picture-perfect beaches… So I simply want to share my passion for Barbados and the joy I get from living here, with you so that you get the most from your holiday to the island.

As I’ve mentioned before Barbados is my big passion… well one of my big passions the others being the Internet and cricket. Now I’ll leave cricket for another place but for now, I’ll tell you how I combined my passion for Barbados with my passion for the Internet to share this information with you.

How it all Started

It all started way back in 1995 when the Off-Shore company I had worked for closed their operation hear on the island making the staff redundant… at that time I did not have the commitment of a wife and kids. So I took a year off from the world of work, I enrolled in the Barbados Community College, Associate Degree in Marketing program which was an evening program.

During the daytime I worked part-time as a courier while traveling the length and breadth of our small island… during this time I discovered a refreshing side of Barbados you often don’t see when you go into the office at 7 am and leave when the sunset.

At that time the Internet as we know it was now getting started and during the last year of the marketing course, we had a class discussion about new media in marketing. The internet and Amazon.com were heavily discussed… Now for someone who was always thinking of starting a business, this discussion really set me thinking.

So after the course was finished I started researching the Internet, to see the types of online businesses that were out there. What I came across and the success of some of the folks really fascinated me, so I decided that I needed to learn more about building a website and marketing online

I Dived in Head First

After much consideration, I decided that I would educate myself on Internet business building and web development… I read everything I could find on website development and online marketing … and after countless hours of trial and error, I was able to upload my first site.

With the site up I joined an affiliate program and added some links to my site, after about ten months I could not believe my eyes when I received an email with the subject line Growerflowers.com Order, I had my first sale. Traffic slowly increased month after month and I continued to be on cloud nine every time I received an email stating “an order has been placed at your Floral Store”

All this time I was developing my Internet business building skills… there was so much to learn Brainstorming, Search engine optimization, link building, and list building, all these new concepts fascinated me so I dived in headfirst.

My Hopes Were Dashed

Now after experiencing this success even if it was limited, I felt I had so much to offer… so when one of the leading Barbados tourism websites advertised a vacancy for a web developer I jump at the opportunity.
I was thrilled when I was invited for an interview, the interviewer was fascinated by my achievements because I was self-taught and my three sites were all generating free traffic from the organic search engines.

The interview went well and I was invited for a second interview which also went well… so you could imagine my disappointment when I did not get the position with the company. It was given to a graphics student fresh out of college. Now, this was a big disappointment… but my years of learning through trial and error had taught me some important lessons, these were tests, everything and if it fails, do a post-mortem.

How I build a website and reversed my disappointment

So as I sat in my car waiting to pick up my daughter from school one afternoon I went over the interviews in my mind and what kept coming to me was what seemed to be a difference in web building philosophy. So while sitting there pondering it suddenly came to me that I did not need a job at this company.

I could start my own website about Barbados. And during my years of studying the Internet, I had learned so much about marketing online that I knew that with the right tools it was only a matter of time before I would beat them at the search engines.

Refresh by this new challenge I started this best-barbados-vacation-packages.com website in January 2008, over the next year the results have been very encouraging as the site continues to grow. My site best-barbados-vacation-packages.com continues to generate hundreds of visitors each month from the free search engines.

All this time I’m just writing about one of my passions and I am genuinely helping people. I don’t think it can get much better than this!