Barbados nation language or Bajan dialect adds an exotic twist to our island paradise… Who de cap fit, let leh he draw de string. This is one of the many proverbs you’ll hear spoken in our own Bajan dialect when you visit our island paradise.
Your puzzle look no doubt will prompt an explanation of what this colorful and fascinating colloquialism mean… Spoken in our official English language it simply mean “The person who knows he is guilty about something will react accordingly” This Colorful and fascinating language is an integral part of our Barbadian culture…
So while you are on the island enjoying our relaxed laid back atmosphere you’ll discover that a number of these proverbs and sayings are peculiar to this tropical paradise.
Here is a sample of some of our most colorful and expressive pieces of Bajan dialect…

Colorful and Expressive Pieces of Bajan Dialect
Bajan Dialect
- De higher de monkey climb de more he does show he tail.
- Every dog got’e day.
- There is more than one dog name Bob.
- De more yuh look de less yuh see.
- De sea en’ got nuh back door.
- Trouble don’t setup like rain.
- Yuh does gih’ yuh mout too much liberty.
- Wuh yuh eye en sih, yuh stomach will tek.
- Only dogs does return to he own vomit.
- De longer yuh live, de more yuh does hear.
- Don’t let the devil get in me now.
- Everyfool got e ’sense.
- Cat luck en ’ dog luck
- Leh we fire one.
- The more someone show off, the more you will see their faults.
- What goes around comes around.
- Your name maybe called but what is said could apply to someone else.
- If you are spying on someone there are going to find ways to trick you
- Once you go into the sea there are no guarantees you will get back out safely.
- Misfortune often happens with out any warning signs.
- You talk about things that do not concern you.
- What you don’t know don’t bother you.
- Once you get out of a bad situation, you should not return the same situation.
- No matter your age you can still be surprise by what you hear.
- Don’t make me angry with you.
- Every one has knowledge about something.
- What one person get away with another person may not be so lucky.
- Lets Have a drink usually alcohol
Speak a Little Bajan Dialect
While on holiday, visit the beaches, nightspots and other attractions this gives you a chance to mingle with the locals and try speaking a little Bajan dialect… I am sure it’ll enhance your holiday experience.
And if there are any pieces of this colorful language that you’ve mastered while on the island I invite you to share it with your friends and family when you return home.
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